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About Me
I have a few interests. They are DB/Z/GT, and Internet. I'm a HUGE fan of DBZ, and Piccolo is my favorite character (I guess you could guess that.) My family doesn't really watch DBZ, but I have this feeling that my dad likes it a bit. My favorite movie is Star Wars. My favorite video games are the Zelda ones, the Super Smash Brothers ones, The Mario Series, Mario Kart, etc. My favorite animals/reptiles are snakes and cats. I have some good websites I know too. You should check out the Links to see those.

The Story Behind My Site
It all started when I finally began to like DBZ (yes, I used to hate it for a while.) Then as I watched it more and more, it became my favorite Anime ever. So recently I was chatting with an online friend and we were talking about websites, it inspired me to make this website. That's the story.

I guess I don't have much to say here except that I thank one of my friends for being a DBZ freak and my dream about DBZ that made me change my mind about hating it!

Page Last Updated June 28, 2002

Music: Cha-La-Head-Cha-La